Energy Audit Process

Energy Audit Process – Small Business and Farm Operations


  • Click on Initiate a Project and submit your request or contact Russ Jordan, WRP Energy Manager.
  • You will receive a Pre-Assessment Survey from Russ Jordan, WRP Energy Manager.  You must complete and return this survey before your audit can be scheduled.
  • WRP staff will schedule the energy audit at a mutually agreeable time.  
  • The WRP onsite energy assessment process will typically require about one day unless the facility is exceptionally large or has multiple buildings.
  • The energy audit will begin with an hour meeting with key business or farm staff to review essential information required to achieve an effective and efficient assessment.
  • The WRP assessor will then conduct a walkthrough audit of the small business or farm facilities and operations with the owner, operations manager, and/or maintenance staff.
  • To save time, appropriate individuals should review information pertinent to the below topics, as applicable, prior to the scheduled meeting to facilitate a productive discussion.
  • Background information needed:  A copy of the most recent 12-month history of utility billings of electricity, fuels (non-vehicle), and water as applicable, including current rate structure. Billing history should include energy usage; (e.g., kWh, kW, Therms, etc.), not just costs. Many utilities provide online electronic billing and usage histories for their customers.  Where applicable, please provide a copy of the facility layout or floorplan in letter or legal size format.


Topics of Coverage during the Audit:

The WRP Energy Assessor(s) will verbally inquire about the following kinds of information, as applicable, during the energy assessment and operations walkthrough.  Note, except for the background billing information, Waste Reduction Partners staff does not expect the client to have pre-prepared data or documentation on the topics below.

Administration and Utility Accounting    

Utilities management responsibility, current energy reduction efforts in progress, monthly tracking effort, review and information distribution, top management involvement, rate schedule reviews, etc.

Building Envelope

Type of use, age, modifications (including future plans, if any), hours of operation, square footage, wall and roof insulation, sidewall insulation, closed-cell foam insulation applications, curtain wall replacements, weather stripping, type and color of roof, types of windows, etc.


Exhaust fan efficiency, comfort issues, system type, tonnage, number of units, supply and return balance, age, (SEER rating), maintenance, filter change, setbacks, T-stat settings, etc.

Process Energy Use, Dryers and Boilers

Dryer efficiency, size and age, maintenance, operating temperatures, fuels, steam or hot water, leaks and trap maintenance, etc.


Evaluate higher efficiency lighting applications for poultry raising and livestock, grow lights, and other space lighting requirements. Review will include: lighting level appropriateness, indoor lighting types (T-12 vs. T-8, electromagnetic vs. electronic ballast, HID, incandescent), lighting count by type, lighting use policy, type and number of EXIT signs, type, number and control of outdoor lights, etc.

Hot Water    

Type (gas or electric), size, line insulation, T-stat settings, special requirements for sanitation and food preparation, circulating pumps, flow restrictors, water efficient fixture, etc.


Typical motor sizes, approximate total motor load, rewind and management policy, premium efficiency motor use, variable speed control, belt drive type, shutdown policy, off-peak hour scheduling, etc.

Compressed Air

Size, pressure, shutdown policy, water or air cooled, air supply, leak-check routine, etc.

Office / Miscellaneous Equipment

Computers, monitors, printers, copiers and other office equipment turned off and / or set for sleep mode when not in use, new purchase policy, beverage machine lighting, occupancy sensors, etc.

Water Efficiency Opportunities

Review of irrigation and landscaping water use for most efficient applications, domestic water use fixtures, HVAC water use, and other process water use.

Renewable Energy Application Identification

Review farm operations for suitable renewable energy application including solar-thermal hot water (for process water, sanitation, water pre-heat, and space heating), photovoltaic solar (livestock pumps) small-scale wind project, biomass (such as corn/wood pellet burner to heat greenhouses, anaerobic digesters, and others).

Energy Audit Reports

WRP engineers will provide the client with a written report covering: 1) situation analysis; 2) summary of energy savings opportunities and preliminary cost / benefit analysis, where possible; 3) technical analysis; and 4) description of potential improvement.

Initiate an Assessment



Can we be of assistance to you?  To have a staff engineer contact you personally, fill in the request form.  We look forward to working with you to reduce waste and manage natural resources efficiently.