Solid Waste Reduction

There are always opportunities for industries, businesses, institutions, and public facilities to reduce solid waste generation.  Let the multidisciplinary engineers and scientists of WRP help you in identifying strategies to improve your programs to reduce, reuse and recycle waste, and optimize the value of any byproduct materials. 

Since 2000, Waste Reduction Partners has helped clients find ways to reduce or recycle over 177,000 tons of solid waste headed to landfills and save over $14.5 million. 

 Waste Reduction Assessments

Solid waste reduction assessments are performed to develop techniques to avoid the generation of solid waste and develop methods to recycle or reuse waste products, reducing the material going to landfills.

Best Management Practices

Waste Reduction Partners identifies private and public sector programs with unique success in waste reduction.

Guides to Recycling Markets

WRP's partner, the Recycling Business Assistance Center, does research on recycling markets to use to find homes for recyclable materials and for analyzing opportunities in the recycling industry.



Solid Waste Reduction Services

Whether your business or organization is interested in reducing the amount of material you send to the landfill, reusing your by products in-house, or developing a new and improved recycling program, one of our Waste Reduction Partners volunteers can assist you.  Our volunteers will visit your facility, learn your objectives, and research waste reduction strategies customized for you. 


In Pursuit of Zero Waste to Landfill

Is your organization considering a Zero Waste to Landfill Goal?  WRP is teamed up with the NC Department of Environment and Customer Service and the NC Environmental Stewardship Initiative to provide assistance.  For more information and a toolbox of resources, please visit


Agricultural Plastics Recycling

Waste Reduction Partners has partnered with the Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service, NC Nurseryman and Landscapers Association and the Tobacco Trust Fund to create solutions for managing discarded agricultural and nursery plastics such as 'clean' plastic films, nursery containers and drip tape.

For more information on this project, please visit


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Initiate an Assessment



Can we be of assistance to you?  To have a staff engineer contact you personally, fill in the request form.  We look forward to working with you to reduce waste and manage natural resources efficiently.

No-Cost Food Waste Reduction Assessments

In the U.S., it is estimated that 24% of food grown ends up in a landfill or incinerator. Much of this waste happens in our homes, but businesses along the food supply chain significantly make our food systems more efficient. Businesses that address food waste reduction strategies will save on disposal costs, improve employee job satisfaction, and enhance public relations.