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Assessors tagged with: Food waste composting

Hardin, Jan

Hardin, Jan

Work Experience:

25 years

Work History:

Has 19 years of experience in recycling and solid waste management programs. Worked with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division on recycling program implementation and illegal dump prevention projects. Previously worked in the State of Georgia Purchasing Office where she implemented the state's Environmental Purchasing Program. Also worked as a Promotions Manager and Operations Assistant with the University of Colorado Recycling Services.


BA in Environmental Concervation, University of Colorado, 1994


Environmental purchasing practices, Food waste composting, Recycling, Solid waste reduction
McCormack, Niall

McCormack, Niall

Work Experience:

23 years

Work History:

Niall has 23 years of combined experience in Manufacturing, IT and Waste Management industries. He is former Facility Manager of industrial composting facility processing food waste and other biodegradable materials. He has worked within the hospitality sector with waste reduction and recycling programs. Niall has experience working on energy efficiency in the IT industry and also on BIOGAS renewable energy projects.


BEng Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Staffordshire University, UK. Certified Composting Facilities Manager, Advanced Certificate in Domestic Sustainable Energy, Certified Trainer, Irish Institute Training & Development


Energy efficiency, Food waste composting, Recycling, Solid waste reduction, Vermiculture